Group Classes


Canine Life Skills
Level 1

This is the perfect class for you and your dog to start your training journey!  For dogs over four months old, this course will teach the skills your dog needs to be a polite canine companion. We will cover loose leash walking, recalls, polite greetings and more!

$150/6 week class


Canine Life Skills
in the Park Level 1

The course will teach the skills your dog needs to be a polite canine companion. We will cover loose leash walking, recalls, polite greetings and more all while enjoying the outdoors with our dogs!

$150/6 week class


Canine Life Skills
Level 2

This course will continue proofing and building on the skills started in Level 1 as well as teaching additional new behaviours and skills to help you raise a polite canine companion.

$150/6 week class

FUN with Life Skills!

If you are looking for more fluency in your basic manners or performance behaviours check this out!  This four week class will take the skills from our Canine Lifeskills or performance classes and mix them up with some games to help you practice while having fun!

$100/4 week class

Senior Moments

You can teach an old dog new tricks! This 4 week course will focus on rediscovering your bond with your senior dog! We will learn new tricks, play some enrichment games and touch on easy fitness and conditioning exercises to keep your old pup active. For dogs over 8 years of age.

$100/ 4 week class

Teenage Pup Survival Skills

For Puppies 12-24 months
Has your cute, well-behaved cuddly little puppy suddenly become a little tyrant? Have they forgotten all the manners you worked so hard to teach them? Have they gone selectively deaf?
This class will help you harness your pup’s new hormone driven energy. With an emphasis on focus and enrichment games we will show you how to reconnect with your dog and have them acknowledging your existence again!

$150/ 6 week class

Loose Leash Walking 101

This class is open to dogs of all ages! With a focus on clear communication and fun, this course will focus on loose leash walking skills in an outdoor environment. You will learn the skills and behaviours required to keep your dog engaged and working with you in the presence of environmental distractions.

~ $160/6 week class

Recall Rehab

We think a reliable recall is one of the most important skills your dog needs to lead a safe and enriched life. Through the use of fun engagement and focus games this 4 week class will teach you skills that will improve your dog’s recall in a variety of outdoor environments.


~ $120/4 week class

Choose Your Own Adventure

This hour long drop in class will keep you, your dog AND our instructor on your toes as we randomly select tricks, behaviours and skills from over 100 pre-selected fun options to teach each week!

Flexible scheduling lets you come to the dates that work best for you! Book individually or purchase a 6 class ‘punch card’ 

The minimum prerequisite for this class is completion of Canine Lifeskills Level 1.


~ $30/class or 6 week 'punch card' for $150

Advanced Life Skills

There are more ways to continue your education with your dog than through formal dog sports! We are continuing to round out our programs by offering classes that enhance your everyday life with your dog. Our innovative, science-based positive training Nail Care class was the first of its kind in Thunder Bay.


Performance and Dog Sports Classes

A great way to build a strong relationship with your dog is through teamwork in one of a growing variety of dog sports and activities. There is no better time to start!

899 Fort William Rd. Unit #3 Thunder Bay

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