Performance Classes

Intro to Performance Heeling

Heeling is a foundational skill for many dog sports and it is helpful for pet dogs too as it supports nice leash walking, body awareness and general fitness. Training a nice precise heel position is a fun endeavour for folks who enjoy working with their dogs and are hoping to develop this fancy looking skill.

$140/5 week class

Pots, Platforms and Gates

This 6 week course will focus on the use of physical antecedents to help your dog find and hold the positions (heel, front, side, behind) required for most precision dog sports.

$120/4 week class

Pots, Platforms and Gates Level 2

This 6 week course will focus on the use of physical antecedents to help your dog find and hold the positions (heel, front, side, behind) required for most precision dog sports.

$120/4 week class


Intro to Rally Obedience

This beginning level class will help you and your dog learn the basics of Rally Obedience focusing on performance heeling , holding position and more!

$160/6 week class


Intro to CARO Rally: Novice Signs

CARO Rally is a fun hybrid sport between the precision and skills of obedience and fun course elements of agility.  This Training rally gives you the chance to practice obedience and heeling in really fun ways for you and your dog.

$160/6 week class

Intro to CARO Rally - Courses and Sequences

Now that you are familiar with some of the Novice signs its’ time to put them together! This class focuses on short sequences and courses to build you and your dog’s confidence.  This class is held outdoors in the summer months!

$130/4 week class

Intro to CARO Rally - Working Titles

This class will focus on a variety of skills required for your CARO Working Titles such as Drop on Recall, Round the Clock, Barrel Racing, Back up.

$160/6 week class

CARO Rally in the Park

Now that you are familiar with some of the Novice signs its’ time to put them together! This class focuses on short sequences and courses to build you and your dog’s confidence.  This class is held outdoors in the summer months!

6 week summer course - $140

Skills and Drills in the Park

If you are looking for more fluency in your basic manners or performance behaviours in a distracted environment this is the class for you! This 4 week class will take the skills you’ve learned in Canine Lifeskills or any of our performance classes and take them on the road! Taking place in a different city park each week we will be working on stationing, heeling, and other behaviours at a more advanced level in an outdoor environment

$100/4 week class


Rally-FrEestyle was developed to help people compete freestyle elements without having to put together a musical freestyle routine. Training for Rally-FrEe builds strong heel work skills as well as tricks skills. This class teaches the foundations of the sport so that you can begin to enjoy this fun team building sport.

899 Fort William Rd. Unit#3 Thunder Bay

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