Agility Building Blocks

Agility is a fantastic sport for building a strong relationship with your dog, for staying fit together, for meeting like-minded “dog” friends, and so much more. Our Agility Building Blocks program was designed in partnership with Heather Wark of Love That Dog to include all the latest advancements in agility training using positive reinforcement techniques.

Bundle Up And SAVE! Purchase all 3 Levels of Agility Building Blocks for $450

Agility looks simple, but like any really worthwhile endeavour, it takes time to build all the prerequisite skills.  Invest the time needed to build a strong foundation. Purchase our Agility Building Blocks Bundle BEFORE registering for your classes and then use your certificate upon registration. Your dog will thank you for your commitment to creating an enriched life for them.

Focus on Sport Dog FUNdamentals

This 6 week class serves as a pre-requisite for our Agiity Building Blocks Program.  It will get you and your dog started on the FUNdamental Skills required to start your sport dog journey.  Focused on teamwork, body awareness, noise desensitization, hold position, targeting, reward strategies and building confidence and drive, this course willl help your dog not just in sports but in their everyday life!

6 week course - $150

Agility Building Blocks
Level 1

This course will teach the fundamental building blocks both you and your dog need to build a confident, joyful and safe agility performance. Whether you want some skills for your backyard, or you aspire to compete one day, this class starts you and your dog off on the right foot and paw by teaching structures, reward strategies, body awareness games and desensitization activities proven to accelerate the journey toward your agility goals.   

Pre-requisite for this class:  Focused on Sport Dog FUNdamentals class

5 week course - $150

Agility Building Blocks
Level 2

In this course you will learn how to grow the fundamental building blocks both you and your dog learned in Level 1 in situations that look and feel more like “real agility”. You will continue to advance your skills in the areas of handling and creating a path for your dog in agility, while at the same time, you will help your dog to develop their body awareness and their understanding of the key patterns used in agility.

$170/6 week class


Agility Building Blocks
Level 3

In this course you will advance your dog agility training to date by taking all the building blocks foundations you learned in Level 1 and Level 2 and start combining them in more complex ways. As we continue to add new situations of on, over, and through as well as more complex agility patterns and behaviours, a confident agility performance will begin to emerge.

$170/6 week class

899 Fort William Rd., Unit#3

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